Transferring to another property
There are many reasons why people need to move home including:
- your home is not the right size for your family
- you are at risk from family or community violence
- your health needs have changed
- you need to live closer to where you work or study.
If you need to move house, you can apply for a transfer. This is when you move from your current Homes Tasmania home to another, vacant Homes Tasmania property.
You need to talk to your Homes Tasmania tenancy officer first. You need to talk to Housing Connect next.
Housing Connect is the way to get housing and support in Tasmania. They work out what kind of housing you need and can also help you find other support services.
Housing Connect will work out the best housing options for you.
They will explain all your options for housing support, not just information about transfers. You may decide that another type of housing is best for you, rather than waiting for a transfer.
Housing Connect can be contacted on 1800 800 588.
If you want to transfer to a different home that is managed by Homes Tasmania, you must:
- live in Tasmania
- be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- be 16 years or older
- be a low-income earner who is eligible for a Commonwealth Health Care Card
- not own a home of your own, or land or other property
- not have financial assets worth more than $35 000 – this includes things such as shares, property and money in the bank
- not currently owe Homes Tasmania any money
- not have been asked to move out of your current home – this is usually called receiving a Notice to Vacate
- have a good history as a tenant with us
- make sure your current home is well looked after.
When can you apply?
People who have been living in social housing for at least 12 months can apply to transfer.
If you have been living in your home for less than 12 months but things have changed for you, please talk to Homes Tasmania. You can call us on 1300 665 663.
What if you need to move urgently?
If you are in an emergency, ring 000 immediately or the Family Violence Response and Referral Line on 1800 633 937. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you are in an unsafe situation, Housing Connect can also help you. Contact them 24 hours, seven days a week on 1800 800 588.
How is a transfer approved?
A transfer can only happen if:
- you are eligible
- other housing support will not solve your problems
- a home is available.
How long is the wait?
If your transfer is approved, you will go on the Housing Register. Sometimes, people need to move urgently. Their needs are our priority. You may also need to wait for a while for the right type of home to become available.
There is limited supply of some properties for example large homes or homes with certain types of modifications, and these become available when the current tenants no longer need them.
What type of home can you have?
When you talk to Housing Connect, they will help you work out what kind of home will suit your needs.
Social housing providers
There are several organisations that manage social housing. Their role is like a real estate agent or landlord in the private rental market. These include:
- Homes Tasmania
- Loreto Community Housing
- Community Housing Limited
- Housing Choices Tasmania
- Mission Australia Housing.
Social housing providers work in different areas of the state.
If you want to move from one Homes Tasmania home to another, then you can apply to do this. If you want to move from a home managed by a different social housing provider, different rules may apply.
If you want to move from a social housing provider to Homes Tasmania, you will need to apply again. This means that you may need to wait for some time.
If you are applying for a transfer, you should apply to all social housing providers in the areas you want to live.
Are there any costs for transferring?
When you transfer, you will need to pay for:
- moving your furniture
- connecting the electricity, gas (if relevant), the NBN and phone at the new home
- disconnecting the services at your previous home.
Homes Tasmania does not cover these costs.
Can you take your pets with you?
You must ask us if you want to have pets in your home.
You can take your pets to a new home if Homes Tasmania says this is OK.
If you can't get a transfer?
If you cannot get a transfer, Housing Connect can help you with other housing support options. Sometimes support can help people to stay in their current home. You cannot swap homes with another Homes Tasmania tenant. This is against the rules.
It is a good idea to think carefully before you move out of social housing. If you want to move back into social housing later, you will need to apply again. You may need to wait for a long time before you get a home.
For more information contact Housing Connect
Phone: 1800 800 588.