Our organisation


Eleri Morgan-Thomas – CEO

Homes Tasmania’s inaugural CEO commenced in March 2023.

Eleri Morgan-Thomas has around four decades’ experience in the Australian housing sector.

Beginning her career as a youth shelter worker in the western suburbs of Sydney, she soon realised that the determinants of homelessness were largely structural and directed her efforts to changing the system.

She has worked with Queensland Shelter and as President of National Shelter. As CEO of the NSW Federation of Housing Associations (now CHIA), she led the sector through the introduction of the National Community Housing Standards and registration. She also established Mission Australia Housing, now a nationwide, Tier 1 community housing provider.

Before joining Homes Tasmania, Eleri worked for the NSW Department of Communities and Justice and was responsible for establishing the NSW Social and Affordable Housing Fund. Modelled on a Public Private Partnership, the Fund delivered 3 400 new social and affordable housing properties, owned and managed by community housing providers and supported by a 25-year income stream. The NSW model has been taken up by the Commonwealth Housing Australia Future Fund.

Eleri is proud to be the CEO of Homes Tasmania in a new era of state housing authorities.  With scope to work across the housing system and with an appreciation of how housing markets work, she wants to contribute to making Tasmania a great place to live affordably and sustainably for all.

Our organisational structure

Our business is delivered across three service delivery programs and is supported by three enabling services.

Homes Tasmania Organisational Structure August 2023

Community Infrastructure

The Community Infrastructure program delivers strategic and operational asset management functions, including asset planning and procurement, maintenance, capital upgrading, and construction for properties owned in full by Homes Tasmania or on behalf of other Tasmanian Government agencies.

The program is also responsible for Homes Tasmania’s home ownership assistance program MyHome.

Housing Policy and Programs

The Housing Policy and Programs unit performs the core system management functions of strategy and planning, purchasing, performance management, monitoring, reporting, and analysis for housing and homelessness services in Tasmania.

The branch is responsible for partnerships with housing support providers, community housing providers and community support services to achieve positive outcomes for people accessing housing assistance in Tasmania.

The unit was also responsible for leading the development of the whole-of-government Tasmanian Housing Strategy.

Tenancy Services

Tenancy Services provides tenancy management services for Tasmania’s public housing, which is around half of all social housing stock in the state. These services include:

  • allocations
  • lease sign ups and renewals
  • rent management
  • property inspections
  • tenancy issues, including tenancy interviews to help sustain tenancies.

Tenancy Services works in accordance with the Homes Tasmania Act 2022 and the Residential Tenancy Act to help those Tasmanians in greatest need access and sustain safe, affordable and appropriate housing for the duration of their need.

Office of the Chief Executive Officer

The Office of the Chief Executive Officer provides corporate and governance services to support the operations of Homes Tasmania, including:

  • supporting the Homes Tasmania CEO, Executive and Board
  • coordinating the workflow between Homes Tasmania and the Minister’s Office
  • coordinating Homes Tasmania’s statutory reporting obligations, risk management, interaction with statutory agencies (eg Ombudsman) and Right to Information requests
  • coordinating public communications, media, public relations and stakeholder engagement strategy.

The Office of the CEO also delivers human resource-related activity and recruitment services, and ensures Homes Tasmania meets its health, safety and wellbeing responsibilities.

Information and Technology Management Services

This unit provides data and information management, business applications and technology support and administration, and technology-driven projects that enable Homes Tasmania to achieve its objectives with a digital operating environment that supports the organisation’s plans and strategies.

Business and Financial Services

This unit provides budget development, management and monitoring, internal and external reporting and coordinates our statutory financial reporting obligations.