Homes Tasmania organisational chart

As at June 2024.

The Homes Tasmania Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the Homes Tasmania Board for the general administration and management of Homes Tasmania.

Homes Tasmania has three enabling services units and three service delivery programs.

Business and Financial Services is an enabling service unit and has three business units within it:

  • Budget Management
  • Business Operations
  • Financial Systems and Reporting.

Information and Technology Management Services is an enabling service unit and has four business units within it:

  • Application Services
  • Data Management and Reporting Services
  • Delivery Services
  • Information Governance and Management.

The Office of the Chief Executive Officer is an enabling service unit and has three business units within it:

  • Communications and Media
  • Corporate Governance and Executive Services
  • People and Wellbeing.

Community Infrastructure is a service delivery program and has four business units within it:

  • Asset Management and Planning
  • Capital Development
  • Community Partners and Projects
  • Property Maintenance.

Housing Policy and Programs is a service delivery program and has seven business units within it:

  • Government Relations and Strategic Policy
  • Strategic Performance and Reporting
  • Operational Policy and Service Design
  • Commissioning Unit
  • Housing Support Programs
  • Specialist Accommodation Programs
  • Community Housing Programs.

Tenancy Services is a service delivery program and has four business units within it:

  • Business Support Services
  • Tenancy Services North/North West
  • Tenancy Services South
  • Statewide Tenancy Administration
  • and an Insurance Liaison Officer.