Community Housing Growth Program round two

Homes Tasmania is delivering more new homes for Tasmanians in need through the second round of the successful Community Housing Growth Program (CHGP).

With a funding injection of $45 million, round two of the CHGP will deliver 200 new homes statewide for Tasmanians on the Housing Register.

This funding builds on the success of the first round of the CHGP, which provided $165 million to deliver 1 100 new social housing properties, in partnership with the community housing sector, across the state by the end of 2024.

Our community housing partners are critical to our growth strategy, and the successful providers who will deliver projects under round two of the CHGP are:

  • Loreto Community Housing
  • Mission Australia Housing
  • Launceston City Mission and
  • Hobart City Mission

The homes built under round two of the CHGP will be due for delivery by the end of 2025 and will be retained for use as social housing for at least 30 years.

The projects will be built in areas with identified demand that are close to services, public transport, education and employment opportunities, and other necessary community infrastructure.

More projects were proposed during the Expressions of Interest process than could be supported by the available funding and Homes Tasmania is working with additional community housing providers on funding and financing opportunities for these projects, many of which include multi-unit infill developments that are critical to more efficient land use and delivering homes close to our community centres.