Homes Tasmania referred stages two and three of the Huntingfield land release project for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 due to the potential for the project to affect ‘matters of national environmental significance’, most notably the endangered forty-spotted pardalote.

A Notification of Approval from this assessment was issued on 21 September 2022.

Feedback from this consultation, and direction by the Australian Government, helped inform improvements to the design process for the master plan and the stage one design.

Homes Tasmania will undertake further consultation with stakeholders including the Kingborough Council, on stages two and three.

It is expected that a development application for stages two and three will be submitted to Council in mid-2023 once this work is completed.

Read the EPBC referral documents

View the Huntingfield EPBC Referral Plan

Huntingfield EPBC Referral – Preliminary Documentation Report, 16 June 2022

Huntingfield EPCB Act Referral – Public Comment Period Response, 16 June 2022

PLEASE NOTE: The referral plan only indicates the area of land subject to the referral. It does not represent the master plan of the subdivision in detail. The master plan included in the referral, while current at the time the referral was lodged, is no longer the latest version. You can access the latest version of the master plan from the link below.