A new subdivision planned for Kings Meadows will deliver around 104 new lots, subject to Council approval.
Homes Tasmania is committed to increasing social and affordable housing and releasing land for residential development.
About 85 per cent of the new lots of land will initially be made available for affordable home purchase under the MyHome shared equity program.
MyHome helps eligible Tasmanians buy their own homes by reducing the upfront costs and the ongoing mortgage repayments.
The proposed subdivision is the 10.46 ha site at Lot 3 Techno Park Drive, Kings Meadows.
Do you have a question about this subdivision?
Read the frequently asked questions fact sheets for the Kings Meadows land release project:
- Fact sheet – Kings Meadows land release
- Fact sheet – Assessments of natural values
- Fact sheet – Traffic impact assessment
Read the preliminary subdivision plan
Have your say
The site has been rezoned for residential development under a Housing Land Supply Order after extensive community consultation by the State Planning Office.
We appreciate the community feedback provided during the extensive consultation undertaken to prepare for the HLSO submission.
To ensure Kings Meadows is a place that continues to thrive, a further round of consultation was held during November 2024, including two community sessions on 5 and 6 November 2024 in Kings Meadows.
Written feedback on the preliminary subdivision plan via an online form closed on Friday, 29 November 2024.
Consultation feedback
Consultation feedback has helped finalise the development application to the Launceston City Council that will be submitted in February 2025.
A summary of the consultation feedback is now available here.
Other consultation opportunities
Discretionary development applications are advertised on the Launceston City Council’s website.
The preliminary subdivision concept plan will be available on the Launceston City Council website when the development application is advertised.
More information
To find out more about this project and to keep up to date with the development, contact HousingProjects@homes.tas.gov.au