Youth2Independence program

Homes Tasmania is building more supported accommodation opportunities for young people at risk of homelessness with the Youth2Independence (Y2I) program.

There are three Y2I pathways for young people based on their assessed need:

  • Y2I facilities
  • Y2I homes – cluster homes
  • Y2I homes – share homes

Y2I is based on the international Education First Youth Foyer program which supports young people to develop and succeed in education and employment and transition to independent young adults.

It recognises that each person has opportunities and resources that can be developed, has the right to make their own decisions and should be supported to work through the things that have limited them, all so they can enjoy a good life.

What is Y2I?

Y2I provides accommodation and support for young people to become independent by participating in education and training.

Rent is 25 per cent of the young person’s income.

A young person accepted into Y2I will be aged 16-24 years, experiencing or at risk of homelessness and willing to participate in education and training. This could be:

  • high school or college
  • training with or without a certificate
  • an apprenticeship, traineeship or employment.

To be eligible, a young person also agrees to ‘The Deal’.

‘The Deal' is an agreement between the young person and Y2I and includes the completion of a Certificate I in Developing Independence (DI).

The DI recognises the unique skills and talents of each young person and supports their participation in six areas to achieve independence. In return, the young person enjoys safe, secure, supported and affordable accommodation.

Y2I facilities

Homes Tasmania is building more opportunities to increase housing for young Tasmanians in need.

There are four Y2I facilities currently operating statewide and managed by Anglicare Tasmania:

  • Thyne House in Launceston (50 beds)
  • Eveline House in Devonport (25 beds)
  • Trinity Hill in Hobart (46 beds)
  • Campbell St in Hobart (26 beds).

A fifth Y2I site is under construction in Burnie, with the 25-bed facility on schedule for completion in the last quarter of 2024.

Youth and Family Community Connections has been selected as the provider for the Burnie facility.

Y2I homes

Homes Tasmania has committed over $5 million to expand the Y2I program for young people who will benefit from living in a small, home-like environment.

Y2I homes will help improve the lives of around 50 young people who are at risk of homelessness including exiting shelters, statutory care, or youth detention, every two years.

Y2I homes has delivered 20 new modular homes and will convert 10 larger public housing properties.

Two Y2I homes pathways will be available with an onsite manager for young people who need 24/7 support in the cluster homes and in-reach support for young people with low support needs living in the share homes.

Cluster homes provide five one-bedroom units and one on-site manager unit over four sites in the Burnie, Devonport, Launceston and Clarence municipalities. Share homes will be located nearby.

More information