Fact sheet - Humanitarian settlement program

Humanitarian settlement program

The Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) in Tasmania is delivered by the Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania (MRC), under subcontract to AMES Australia. HSP provides individualised needs-based settlement support to humanitarian entrants for up to 12-18 months. HSP provides 28 days of rent-free accommodation.


MRC Tas works with humanitarian entrants through the HSP, providing settlement support for up to 12 to18 months. HSP is designed to work in combination with other settlement and mainstream services. Read more about Humanitarian Settlement Program.

People from a refugee background enter Australia on a range of Offshore Humanitarian Visa classes. Read more about the refugee and humanitarian program.

HSP clients are permanent residents, which means they are eligible for all government services from arrival. This includes permanent residents on refugee visa subclass 200, 201, 203, or 204.

HSP housing services

MRC provides on-arrival accommodation for up to 28 days when required. MRC Tas leases two properties from Homes Tasmania in Launceston for this purpose and was provided with funding from the Tasmanian Government to assist with the purchase of a Hobart caravan park as a community service and accommodation hub.

MRC Tas will also source private properties and hotels for the 28-day period, if the number of newly arrived entrants exceeds their accommodation capacity.

After this initial rent-free period, clients sign an accommodation lease and become rent-paying tenants. This housing is temporary and provides people with time to find and establish alternative housing. MRC provides support for clients to find longer term accommodation. Under the HSP contract MRC may withdraw the provision of housing services if clients reject suitable property offers.

HSP clients are responsible for their own removal costs, rent, utilities expenses and costs associated with breaking a lease agreement (after 28 days) as well as costs of repairs due to damage and neglect by the tenant.

MRC will support clients to contact Housing Connect if they need a housing assessment to source appropriate long-term housing after their initial 28 days. Housing Connect can also assist HSP clients experiencing family violence or a crisis situation to find alternative accommodation.

Housing Connect

Housing Connect is where Tasmanians go for housing assistance and support, providing one assessment for everything from crisis accommodation to a long-term home. Housing Connect services can help eligible low-income Tasmanians to find or keep safe, appropriate affordable housing.

Housing Connect can help with:

  • paying rent, bond or moving costs in the private rental market
  • applying for social housing
  • information and applications for supported accommodation programs and facilities
  • information and referral to a range of community services
  • connecting you with a housing support worker.

Find out more about Housing Connect.

Phone: 1800 800 588

Email: housingconnect@anglicare-tas.org.au

TTY users phone: 133 677 then ask for 1300 135 513
Speak and Listen users phone: 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 135 513

Internet relay users: connect to the NRS then ask for 1300 135 513

Interpreter services

Providing services that meet the needs of all Tasmanians is the responsibility of all service providers. Humanitarian entrants seeking assistance may require interpreting services.

Qualified interpreters can be sourced through the Translating and Interpreting Service.

Services for people from a refugee and humanitarian background

People from a refugee and humanitarian background, who are not HSP clients, can access support for up to five years through Settlement Engagement Transition Support (SETS) providers.

SETS providers are:

  • MRC and CatholicCare in southern Tasmania.
  • MRC North in northern Tasmania.

All organisations provide drop-in services; please see their website for more details.

Clients with complex needs can be referred into the Specialised and Intensive Services program. This program offers clients short-term, needs-based support to help them access appropriate mainstream services and develop the necessary skills to manage their needs independently. For more information use this link - Specialised and Intensive Services program.