Private rental incentive program information session

Many Tasmanians are struggling to find an affordable rental. If you have a property you can rent to someone who needs a hand up, we can help you.
Property owners are invited to find out about incentives available if you provide your home for affordable rent to low-income households with low or no support needs.
Under the private rental incentive program, rents are capped at between 25 to 30 per cent below median rates in their region.
In return, property owners receive an incentive payment of up to $9 900 per property per annum.
Tenancy and property management is provided on behalf of the property owner by experienced community housing provider Centacare Evolve Housing.
Property owners are guaranteed rent for a two-year lease.
That’s peace of mind, no fees and social benefit.
Information sessions will be held:
Hotel Grand Chancellor
29 Cameron St, Launceston
5.30 pm on Friday, 14 October 2022.
For more details on the information sessions call Centacare Evolve Housing on 0408 380 501.
Landlords can find out more information about the program with this link - private rental incentive program.
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