A new program launched today will help young Tasmanians get a start in the construction industry and deliver more homes for Tasmanians in need.

The Podmatrix Pathway Program was launched in partnership with TasTAFE and Business and Employment Southeast Tasmania.
The program provides an opportunity for young Tasmanians aged 16-24 who are currently underrepresented in the construction industry.
The program is a critical component of Homes Tasmania’s ModHomes program.
Successful participants in the six-week program will work with the Podmatrix team to deliver a cubby house or ‘cubby pod’, which is a small version of the housing pods Podmatrix produce, to be donated to charity.
The program will be based at the Podmatrix Cambridge workshop and TasTAFE Clarence campus.
ModHomes is an innovative and responsive program designed to increase housing supply, adapting to the changing needs and requirements of the housing landscape in Tasmania.
Modular houses are built in a workshop and delivered to site and are one of the solutions to delivering more quality homes for Tasmanians, faster.
With new and innovative ways of providing housing solutions, the construction industry has never been in more demand, which is why the Tasmanian Housing Strategy includes a dedicated action on delivering education, training and employment opportunities for the building and construction industry.
Podmatrix is one of the three suppliers of the ModHomes program and is the first to implement the training opportunity.
Applications for the program are now open, with the program commencing in February.
Read more on the ModHomes program: https://www.homestasmania.com.au/engage/Construction-Projects/modhomes-program
And read more about Podmatrix’s modular home builds: https://www.homestasmania.com.au/newsroom/2023/delivering-more-homes-with-modular-units
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