Homes Tasmania’s social housing delivery program has received a lift with the delivery of two modular homes.

One of the units is lowered into position during the crane lift.
The two-bedroom units, built by Podmatrix, were craned into position yesterday and will be ready for tenanting early in the new year.
Modular construction is helping get Tasmanians into homes sooner due to the faster build times and is being used in a range of settings, including new homes, backyard units, the Youth2Independence dispersed homes sites, and the ModHomes program that will deliver at least 200 homes over the next four years.
Homes Tasmania project manager Euan Bennet, left, Homes Tasmania CEO, Eleri Morgan-Thomas and Podmatrix director Mitchell Walker.
Homes Tasmania CEO, Eleri Morgan-Thomas, said it was vital to include newer methodologies like modular construction into the ongoing delivery program of new social housing supply in Tasmania.
“Modular construction has unique benefits, so it is important that it is in the mix when we are designing our pipeline of works,” Ms Morgan-Thomas said.
“Modular construction is efficient because trades can work simultaneously without the need to schedule works and travel over multiple sites and locations.
“Weather-related construction delays are also reduced in factory builds and that is a significant advantage given the above average rainfall and number of extreme weather events that affected builds last year.”
Podmatrix Director, Mitchell Walker, said modular construction could help get people into homes faster.
“The two-bedroom units were constructed in approximately six weeks at the Podmatrix workshop in Brighton,” Mr Walker said.
“Works onsite, like service connections, final fit-out and landscaping, will bring the total construction and build time to 14 weeks.”
Ms Morgan-Thomas said delivering more homes to people in need also required improved land use, increased density and more infill housing.
“We have been able to create modern, quality homes for two Tasmanian households on the Housing Register from a large block that previously had one, old, three-bedroom house,” she said.
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