Homes Tasmania is governed by a skills-based Board, appointed by the Minister for Housing. Read more about the Board's role and its members.

(Standing from left to right standing are Tim Gourlay, Michele Adair, Robert Pradolin and sitting are Alice Spizzo, Daryl Lamb and Ellen Witte)
Homes Tasmania is governed by a skills-based Board, appointed by the Minister for Housing.
The Board oversees how Homes Tasmania exercises it functions and powers, to ensure it meets the requirements of the Homes Tasmania Act 2022 including the Ministerial Statement of Expectations.
The Board’s members are appointed because of their knowledge and skills in governance, commercial skills and experience and skills and experience in providing or managing housing and homelessness services.
Since its first meeting on 2 December 2022, the Board has been very engaged and meeting with stakeholders including attending the Housing Reference Group in December and providing direction to the development of the Tasmanian Housing Strategy consultation draft, which incorporates planning for the delivery 10 000 social and affordable homes over the next ten years.
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