Modular home construction is a key component of Homes Tasmania’s delivery plan to increase housing supply, get Tasmanians into homes sooner, strengthen the local economy and create jobs.

A modular unit being craned into place at the Youth2Independence Homes site in Mornington.
Modular construction allows units to be prefabricated in factories off site, avoiding weather-related delays, with the finished units able to be craned into place.
Homes Tasmania has a range of programs taking advantage of the efficiencies and increased construction speed offered by modular construction, such as our Backyard Units program, our new ModHomes program and our Youth2Independence Homes initiative.
Under the Y2I Homes program, clusters of six modular units – five for young people and one for an on-site manager – are being installed across four sites statewide, in Burnie, Devonport, Launceston and Mornington (pictured).
The Devonport and Launceston sites have already been completed with the Mornington and Burnie sites expected to be completed within the next month.
Modular housing under construction in a factory warehouse.
The ModHomes program, which will deliver at least 200 units around the state by June 2027, also incorporates a training opportunity for young Tasmanians who are currently underrepresented in the construction industry.
This will support young people access opportunities to build the skills they need to thrive in the community as well as boosting the workforce in the state’s construction industry.
Read more about the Y2I Homes initiative and the ModHomes program.
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