As we celebrate Father’s Day, we take time to recognise dads in all forms who are facing homelessness and the support services available to them.

Marram Place, managed by CatholicCare Tasmania and located in Devonport, provides crucial wrap around services to vulnerable men, with or without children in a home like environment.

Karen is the Team Leader and Key Development Coach for Marram Place and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the shelter and sees firsthand the lasting impact access to secure accommodation and support services has on men.


“The first resident at Marram Place was a man who was reunited with his children while staying at the shelter,” Karen said.

“He was able to use the time, space and services to land on his feet and support his children after a long period of instability.

“Now they have their own house and recently got a puppy, something his children have always wanted. He always said that the team at Marram Place were like his family. He feels very connected to the team and the support they were able to provide to him and his children.”

Marram Place has seven single-bedroom units with ensuites, as well as two living rooms, a kitchen, courtyards, a gym and two interview rooms. A separate three-bedroom apartment accommodates a father with up to four children aged 0 to 18 years.

The shelter also supports Dads whose children don’t live with them, with one of the residents sharing “I am so happy I feel safe and have a nice clean place to live with nice meals, and most of all my children are happy their dad is safe and not homeless. I have been able to secure employment as I had a safe place to sleep and able to shower and wash my clothes.”

Another Dad who was staying at Marram Place for six months before being moved into the family unit which allowed him to have his children stay with him, said, "I never thought I would get to have my children in my care as part of my agreed shared care agreement. I can't stop smiling when my children are with me”.

Read more about Marram Place Homes Tasmania - Marram Place opens its doors to men in the North-West

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