On National Youth Homelessness Matters Day, we recognise the lived experience of young people facing homelessness and the people who support them.

As young people transition to adulthood, they can be particularly vulnerable to homelessness. Living at home is unsafe or viable for some of Tasmania’s young people.
Jacob is one of the residents at the Youth2Independence (Y2I) facility on Campbell Street in Hobart.
Jacob is studying Certificate 4 in Cyber Security at TAFE. Living with his Dad at Hastings Caves required him to travel three hours daily to attend classes.
“It is highly likely that my study would have been impacted if I wasn’t able to live here,” said Jacob.
He estimated that the daily cost of petrol was, on average, $35 per day for this trip, something he couldn’t afford.
“I was looking for the opportunity to be closer to the city, and when I was in college, I was living independently at supported accommodation through Colony 47,” he said.
“My Youth Development Coach at this accommodation recommended me for a place in the new Y2I.”
He found out he was accepted into the program in December 2023 and moved into his unit on 3 January 2024. He was the third person to move into the facility.
Gemma is a support worker at the Campbell Street facility.
“It’s a nice space for young people to have their independence but also know that the support is here if they need it,” Gemma said.
“The most important thing we do is work on our young people’s goals, and what they need and where they are at. Each person arrives at different stages and leaves at different stages, each have different long and short-term goals.”
There are multiple activities held each month, and services such as Centrelink are available on-site to offer support to the young people.
Jacob has high praise for the level of mental health services provided on site.
“A lot of people can be quite affected in different ways and this can impact on their study and the goals they set. The level of mental health support is a big thing here and really important,” he said.
Every person accepted into the Y2I program must agree to ‘The Deal’ which is a commitment to learning while living at the facility.
Jacob is the first resident of the facility to complete their coaching aspect of the Certificate I in Developing Independence (DI).
“The study required for the certificate is good, it’s not too difficult and provides us with a lot of useful life skills and resources for the future,” he said.
“It is a very positive place. Everyone here is very happy and grateful. Without it, it would be difficult for any of us to pursue what we want to do”.
Homes Tasmania’s Youth2Independence (Y2I) facilities support young people between the ages of 16-24 who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
There are four Y2I facilities across the state managed by Anglicare Tasmania; Thyne House in Launceston, Eveline House in Devonport, and Trinity Hill and Campbell Street both based in Hobart.
A fifth Y2I facility is under construction in Burnie and will be managed by Youth and Family Community Connections.
The Y2I facility on Campbell Street is now fully occupied, accommodating 26 young people.
To find out more about the Y2I program visit Homes Tasmania - Y2I program
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