#AccelerateAction is the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD), and Homes Tasmania is accelerating action for women at all stages of life, right across the housing spectrum. This includes delivering more social homes for women, supporting women into home ownership and expanding crisis accommodation and support.

Delivering housing support and opportunity for women is more than providing a roof over a head, it is providing the foundation for long-term stability, independence and opportunity.
Homes Tasmania is supporting women into home ownership through the MyHome program, which is a share equity program that helps get people into their own homes sooner. With MyHome participants are only required to have a 2 per cent deposit of the purchase price of their home, providing housing opportunity and security for participants, while reducing pressure on the broader housing system.
Providing appropriate housing for women is a key priority of the Tasmanian Housing Strategy which aims to provide additional housing support to women at all stages of life, This includes the delivery of more homes with 3 or more bedrooms to ensure suitable housing options for women with children and the delivery of more two-bedroom dwellings that enable older women to age in place.
Women account for nearly 60 per cent of applicants on the Housing Register and 70 per cent of households in social housing include adult women. Of the 3 501 households containing adult women, 1 075 have women and children and 1 032 have women aged 65 or over. Most female applicants on the Housing Register (over 56 per cent) require more than one bedroom indicating that it is highly likely that the household contains children.
Homes Tasmania is working to delivering more housing options for women, and as at the end of January 2025, Homes Tasmania has completed 4 239 homes and lots of land towards the 10 000 target, including 2 039 units of social housing and supported accommodation, 846 affordable rentals, 824 affordable home purchases, 411 affordable lots of land and 119 units of crisis accommodation.
In addition, work is progressing on more accommodation options for women facing homelessness in Hobart. The Tasmanian Government has provided $3.6 million over three years to St Vincent de Paul, who will provide 39 beds of accommodation for the meanwhile use Amelie House in Warwick Street. This temporary three-year program will provide short-term accommodation for women at risk of homelessness and includes access to meals and support workers.
And construction has started to deliver 38 units at the new Amelie House facility at Argyle Street, with funding provided by the Australian Government. These units will be for women who are priority applicants on the Housing Register, with a focus on women aged 55 and over.
Towards our target of delivering 10 000 homes by 2032, Homes Tasmania has completed projects specifically for women, including:
- 15 additional units at the Launceston Women’s Shelter, more than doubling its capacity
- two additional units at Jireh House (South)
- six additional units at McCombe House (South).
The Tasmanian Government has also committed additional funding of $1.5 million to expand the Family Violence Rapid Rehousing program by an additional 100 homes over the next two years to create a portfolio of 150 homes for Tasmanians escaping family and domestic violence.
Women and girls can access 14 of the 20 homeless shelters in Tasmania and brokerage services through Housing Connect to access alternative accommodation when shelters are at capacity.
For information on International Women’s Day visit International Women's Day 2025
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